Put the Brakes On! (Brake Caliper Replacement)
January 5, 2025
Keeping your vehicle's brakes in top shape is one of the most important things you can do for your safety and those on the road with you. Most drivers know a little about brake pads and rotors but maybe not so much about another brake component called the calipers. Disc brakes work by a mechanica... More
Braking Good (Brake Drum Replacement)
December 29, 2024
Maybe your vehicle feels like Breaking Bad. In other words, when you brake, things are bad. You may find it takes you a longer distance to stop, you feel a vibration, or its pulsating when you depress the brake pedal, or perhaps your vehicle pulls to one side. Those can be symptoms of failing b... More
Hitting the Brakes in Grand Haven
March 24, 2024
Safety should always be an element of your vehicle care. So even if you don't care about how your vehicle looks, you should practice preventive maintenance to protect yourself and other Grand Haven drivers on the road. And good safety starts with good brakes.Brakes need a regular inspection. ... More
A Sticky Brake Situation (Parking Brake Service and Maintenance)
February 11, 2024
We've all been there. You park your vehicle on a steeper than usual hill and worry about it rolling down while you're running your errands. So you decide you'll use the parking brake. When you get back, you release the parking brake, hit the ignition, put it in gear anduh, ohyou can feel the p... More
It's Brake Time (Brake Calipers)
December 3, 2023
Race car drivers have demonstrated the advantages of disc brakes, so most modern vehicles use them. Sometimes just the front wheels have disc brakes, but many vehicles now have them all the way around. A major component of the disc brake is called a caliper. It works by squeezing brake pads ag... More
Bad Vibes (Disc brake rotor problems)
July 9, 2023
If you were to name the most important safety feature on your vehicle right now, what would your answer be? A lot of driving experts would agree that its your brakes. Most newer vehicles use a well-engineered and efficient style of brakes called disc brakes. The name disc brakes comes from one ... More
Them's the Brakes (Brake Rotor Resurfacing)
December 4, 2022
Your vehicle's brakes wear out. It's inevitable. You'll notice it when you step on the brake pedal and feel it harder to stop, or there's vibration when you are braking. Most modern vehicles have disc brakes that each use a brake pad that press on a disc (disc brakes!) called a rotor. The fric... More
What to Do After You Buy a Used Vehicle in Grand Haven
October 11, 2022
So you've bought a used vehicle in the Grand Haven area. Do you know what you're getting? It is hard to know what you're getting because people in the Grand Haven area sell vehicles for different reasons. Think about why you've sold vehicles. Did you just want something new or were there probl... More
Braking News: Keep Your Stopping Power
October 10, 2022
Richard Petty once told AutoNetTV, You've gotta have good brakes. If you've got good brakes you can keep yourself out of a lotta trouble.That's why a regular brake inspection is on every Grand Haven driver's maintenance schedule. An inspection by your service advisor at Tuffy Grand Haven will c... More
Brake Service at Tuffy Grand Haven in Grand Haven
August 7, 2022
Brakes really aren't optional equipment for Grand Haven drivers' vehicles. And taking care of them isn't optional either.A regular brake inspection is on every Michigan driver's vehicle maintenance schedule. At Tuffy Grand Haven, our team will check your brake system and let you know if there ... More