Lubricate Driveshaft
October 27, 2024
See if any of these are happening to your vehicle. You feel it vibrating excessively underneath when its running, or you hear strange clunking, grating, or grinding sounds coming from beneath. Maybe its hard to turn your vehicle, or you can hear squeaking when youre going slow. Perhaps you fee... More

That Squeal is Telling You Something (What Causes Squealing While Steering)
October 20, 2024
If you hear a squealing noise when you turn your vehicle, it's trying to tell you something is wrong. After all, it never made that noise before, right? The sound you hear may becoming from a few sources. Let's take a look (or a listen) to some of the possibilities. First, you almost certainl... More

When it Comes to Air Filters, Change is Good (Clogged Air Filter)
October 13, 2024
Engine air filters may not seem like a big deal, but when theyre clogged up with dirt, dust, and insects, your engine could wind up choking for air and not delivering you the power and performance it was designed to give. There are actually a couple of air filters in your vehicle. One filters th... More

Objects in the Mirror (Rearview Mirror Safety and Maintenance)
October 6, 2024
You may remember a song that went, "Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are." While that was a song about life's lessons, there are a few things we should all know about how important rearview mirrors are to safe driving. While new electronic devices are helping drivers be ... More